Medications for PTSD

The medications that most scientists agree are at least moderately effective for PTSD have some things in common. They are relatively inexpensive and they can be taken once a day. Benefits take at least 2 to 4 weeks and if they seem to be working they should be taken for at least 6-9 months. Some doctors and patients even decide to take them long term. All of these medicines are effective in other forms of anxiety and also depression; they can lift mood while slowing down the adrenaline response that can lead to anger and risky behaviors. This table has some of the differences between the different drugs.

If you are struggling with…

Lack of mental clarity

Low energy

Consider trying…


Take it…

First thing in the morning

When you start this medication, you may…

Feel more energy in the first 2 weeks, but full impact on mood may take 6-8 weeks.

Talk to your doctor if any of these things make you want to stop taking it:

You find it harder to have an orgasm.

You have trouble sleeping.

You think it might be interacting with other drugs you take.

If you are struggling with…

Anxiety/Inability to rest

Intrusive thoughts

Consider trying…


Take it…

At bedtime

When you start this medication, you may…

Sleep better during the first 2 weeks, but full impact on mood may take 6-8 weeks.

Talk to your doctor if any of these things make you want to stop taking it:

You feel sleepy or tired all day. 

You are gaining weight and you don’t want to.

You find it harder to have an orgasm.

If you are struggling with…



Consider trying…


Take it…


When you start this medication, you may…

Have a little longer fuse in a couple weeks, but full impact on mood may take 6-8 weeks.

Talk to your doctor if any of these things make you want to stop taking it:

You have diarrhea that is bothersome.

You find it harder to have an orgasm.

If you are struggling with…



Chronic pain

Consider trying…


Take it…

Anytime, but try morning if it keeps you up at night.

When you start this medication, you may…

Feel some effect the first 2 weeks, but full impact on mood and pain may take 6-8 weeks.

Talk to your doctor if any of these things make you want to stop taking it:

You find it harder to have an orgasm.

You have trouble sleeping or stomach upset.